- Led chapel at Global University by sharing testimony and hope found in recovery
- Led chapel at Assembly of God Theological School by sharing testimony and hope found in recovery
- Spoke to a couple of church youth groups on the dangers of addiction and the power of recovery
- Spoke at a couple of Celebrate Recovery groups
- Spoke at Life Fellowship Church in Springfield about how we can live our lives addiction free
- Filmed 4 more people that will be featured on the documentary, Better Life in Recovery
- Our logo was created thanks to IFLE Creative
- Purchased the website www.betterlifeinrecovery.org and it is currently under construction. We have a current bare bones website found at www.betterlifeinrecovery.com
- The very first BLiR Event was held to talk to Ash Grove's youth and the people who love them. Here is the video made from the event:
- Working on the non-profit paperwork for Better Life in Recovery over Christmas and would like input/guidance on it.
- Coming up with the non-profit filing fee of either $400 or $850 (depends on budget)
- Complete finding board members WHO SHARE OUR PASSION
- Find at least 50 things to sell at Silent Auction
- Holding a $25 per plate fundraiser in Springfield with a Silent Auction to help us get a bigger name band in for the end of Summer BLiR event
- Begin organizing for the BLiR event at New Life Church to be held during Spring Break
- Finish www.betterlifeinrecovery.org website
- Do a KickStarter to help fund the documentary
- Complete filming and editing on the documentary
- Screen documentary
- Create pre and post tests to see if attitudes on drug use change
- Take documentary into area schools
- Find band then venue for an end of summer Springfield BLiR event
- Fundraising, fundraising and more fundraising
- Speaking at least once a month in the community
So, we have multiple needs that are to be met in the coming year. If you can help us out with any of the above things please contact us and let us know how you can help.
We talk to communities, organizations, seminars, colleges, schools and churches about the struggles we all have, the allure of addictions, where they can lead and the positive things we can do instead of succumbing to temptations. If you would like us to come and speak please contact us. We would love to come out.
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