I tend to be a pretty positive guy. There are some times that I become a little negative, mostly due to my job. Not that I don’t enjoy my job, because I love what I do. I get paid to deal hope to people. I like to say that I went from dealing dope to dealing hope and it is a fulfilling way to live my life.
What gets me down is when a current client, former client or one of my clients friends/family members dies from a drug overdose, gets murdered, commits suicide or commits a serious crime and goes to prison. I take those things to heart sometimes, even though I know I should not. There are other times when I will briefly get down over not seeing my son all of the time or with not reaching the current goals that I have set for myself.
It is rare, but it happens. Even rarer are the times that my wife is down, feeling a little pessimistic. We both tend to be optimistic, but occasionally one of us has a bad day. I have them more than my wife, to be quite honest. I can only speak about myself on part one of this, because I do not feel that I can read her mind and know what she does for sure to help her through those times. Wait a minute, yes I can.
She does the same thing I do. She prays. Then I remind myself that even though it may not always go the way I want it to go, it will always go the way it is supposed to go. I imagine my wife realizes that there is a bigger plan, that we are a mere paint stroke on God’s great masterpiece. We also talk to each other. That is of the upmost importance. Communication is one of the keys to happiness.
The other day was one of the rare days for my wife. She was having a poor afternoon and I cheered her up. She looked at me and said that it did not matter whether our cups were half full or half empty, together we had a full cup. I have been smiling ever since. I love that woman! I am pretty sure I am going to keep her J
You both are such a blessing because you allow God to work through you. Your cup truly does overflow.I am so proud of you both